Thanks, Chris, for the story of your trials with an Express modem. Is it any wonder good Catholic mouse potatoes cross themselves at the mere mention of one?
I have a modem story of my own, about a Global Village TelePort Gold: I opened the box, plugged it in, and and it worked like a dream - with AOL, TeleFinder, FirstClass, Z-Term, MicroPhone, and D-Lite. Good thing too, because I don't know a modem string from a guitar string.
The fax software which came with it was equally facile. All I had to read was the quick-start card, though it shipped with very thorough manuals. I don't know about the quality of Global Village's technical help line, but whoever's job it is to answer the phone should bring a book to work.- David Sheridan, via America Online.
Once upon a time I too owned a Global Village Teleport Gold. However, I chose to sell that modem at the exciting prospect of getting Apple's shiny new GeoPort Telecom Adaptor. I guess I didn't learn the GeoPort lesson well enough! - Ed.
Aw, shucks...
I just got done reading MacSense Issue #9. It was outstanding. Great graphics and good info. This is the best electronic newsletter I've ever seen.
In case you were wondering, I got this from the BMUG BBS and I've distributed this to several people at work.
Good work. - Vance Bennett, via America Online.
It's nice to know that our many late nights aren't in vain. We appreciate hearing from our readers, and hope we continue to inspire such commentary. - Ed.
Apple's Cost Cutting
In your most recent issue (#10), your opinion piece chastised Apple for making cost-conscious desicions.
Surely you must realize that Apple is a business, and that life expectency and solvency in the computer industry are determined by how much money a company makes. It’s a dog eat dog world out there. PC manufacturers have slashed prices and cut down margins to increase market share, and Apple must follow suit if it wishes to remain competitive. Roots are important, and the powers that be at Apple shouldn’t forget that the company grew out of a garage. Without cost cutting measures, however, Apple’s future won't be very bright.
- Sascha Miller, via the Internet.
You have a very valid point. The 'Design Flaws' opinion piece was written as an argument to show that nostalgia and reason aren't always compatible. - Ed.
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